「Synthetic lethality」熱門搜尋資訊

Synthetic lethality

「Synthetic lethality」文章包含有:「Advancesinsyntheticlethalityforcancertherapy」、「Developmentofsyntheticlethalityincancer」、「SyntheticLethality」、「Syntheticlethality」、「Syntheticlethalityandcancer」、「Syntheticlethalityasanengineforcancerdrugtarget...」、「SyntheticLethalityinCancerTherapeutics」、「Syntheticlethality」、「Syntheticlethality」、「TheConceptofSyntheticLethalityintheContext...」

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Advances in synthetic lethality for cancer therapy
Advances in synthetic lethality for cancer therapy


Synthetic lethality is a phenomenon whereby the concurrent disruption of multiple genes results in cell death, while a disruption in an ...

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Development of synthetic lethality in cancer
Development of synthetic lethality in cancer


Synthetic lethality provides a new approach for the treatment of mutated genes that were previously considered unable to be targeted in ...

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Synthetic Lethality
Synthetic Lethality


Synthetic lethality is defined as the situation when mutation in either of two genes individually has no effect, but combining the mutations leads to death. The ...

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Synthetic lethality
Synthetic lethality


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Synthetic lethality and cancer
Synthetic lethality and cancer


Synthetic lethality is a simple genetic concept that continues to have a major impact on cancer research. Synthetic lethal interaction data from ...

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Synthetic lethality as an engine for cancer drug target ...
Synthetic lethality as an engine for cancer drug target ...


The classic definition of synthetic lethality is cell autonomous, but a synthetic lethal approach can be adapted to identify druggable targets ...

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Synthetic Lethality in Cancer Therapeutics
Synthetic Lethality in Cancer Therapeutics


A) Synthetic lethality is defined by cellular or organismal lethality caused by combined alterations of gene pairs that are otherwise ...

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Synthetic lethality
Synthetic lethality


Precision oncology has made significant advances, mainly by targeting actionable mutations in cancer driver genes. Aiming to expand treatment ...

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Synthetic lethality
Synthetic lethality


Synthetic lethality occurs when the simultaneous perturbation of two genes results in cellular or organismal death. Synthetic lethality also ...

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The Concept of Synthetic Lethality in the Context ...
The Concept of Synthetic Lethality in the Context ...


Synthetic lethal interactions have most commonly been described for loss-of-function alleles, but can also involve gain-of-function alleles. For example, gene B ...